But sometimes, it's what needs to be done. I started my journey to becoming a Dev at the beginning of 2021, when I felt like my life was going nowhere. I worked hard despite my personal situations and mental health being against me. I still remember hearing a senior Dev say, "I'm not a person that cries, but I cried every day learning JavaScript". I thought to myself, "well great, all it takes for my waterworks to turn on is to see a sad doggy".

Still I persevered! I struggled for a year until I learned the basics of functions and thought I was ready for the big leagues! I polished my resume and LinkedIn brighter than any diamond. I cranked out application after application. Messaged recruiter after recruiter. Was ghosted and ghosted. Then one day... Success! I set foot in the big leagues as a Jr Automation Engineer! Riding that high is a feeling I'll never forget. (Yes, I cried)

Then I learned real quick that knowing basic functions and barely knowing built-in methods was nowhere near enough. Hats off to my previous employer because I could tell they truly wanted me to go far. Sadly we just couldn't get our directions to line up like we wanted and had to part ways.

Still... I persevere! I won't let that drop me. Not after the taste of glory I had. Not after seeing some fruit from my hard work. So here I am, starting over. I'm now enrolled in a bootcamp and learning from some truly awesome people. Starting over never felt so right.


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